
Flesh Eating Cheerleaders from Outer Space #1

Created by Dren Productions LLC

What happens when sexy cheerleaders get infected by evil space worms? Check out this B-Movie Horror comic to find out!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Sent - Printer Has Files
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 08:47:17 AM

The smoke test surveys are out! The printer has the files. 

Everything is moving along smoothly so far. As you know, we've already sent everyone their digital files, and many of you have been telling us how great they are! And we are loving the feedback!

So,  print books are next, and these should be going out soon! 

Just wanted to point you guys toward the new project our buddies at Rogue Matter are launching next week. 

MACBRYDE & GRÜM by Rogue Matter — Kickstarter

Angus MacBryde has seen things in his life. Dark things. However, when he decides to get into the P.I. business with his partner, who just so happens to be a nearly 7-foot-tall ogre, things are bound to get just a little crazier than you might normally expect. 

It's a project well worth checking out!!

MACBRYDE & GRÜM by Rogue Matter — Kickstarter

Anyway, thanks all. Wheels are moving!!!

Surveys Tomorrow!!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 06:50:22 AM

Hey all, 

I am going to launch surveys tomorrow through Backerkit. We do this by first doing a smoke test. What that is, is a small segment of backers will get their surveys tomorrow and they will essentially be our test group to make sure that we have everything set up correctly. Assuming that there are no problems, everyone else will get their surveys on Thursday.

There have been a couple of you who have messaged us asking about getting another cover added to your pledge, this will be able to be done through the survey. 

We're going to run the surveys for 2 weeks, and in that time, the files are getting sent to the printer, so once the survey period is over and all orders are locked, we're already ready to print and ship! 

So, I just wanted to thank you all once more, because you guys are all awesome!

Also... many of you (too many of you to give an accurate number) have been asking about issue 2. We plan on that to launch in May, and we plan on launching issues 3 and 4 before the year is out as well! So, keep an eye out!! We are very appreciative that you guys like the work so much! So, once more... thank you!!

Digital Rewards Have Been Sent
about 3 years ago – Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 01:25:31 PM

Hey all!

The digital rewards are all out! All of the comics, digital mini-prints, and extra stuff have all been sent! 


So, next week we will send out our surveys to collect addresses and all. We are hoping to put that out by next Wednesday, but we will see. 

In the meantime, we wanted to point you toward a couple of other great projects here on Kickstarter. First we have MacBryde and Grum, a supernatural mystery of intrigue and ogres. Take a look! They officially launch in a couple of weeks, but you can get notified of their project once it launches by clicking the link or the image below. 

MACBRYDE & GRÜM by Rogue Matter — Kickstarter

Angus MacBryde has seen things in his life. Dark things. However, when he decides to get into the P.I. business with his partner, who just so happens to be a nearly 7-foot-tall ogre, things are bound to get just a little crazier than you might normally expect.

Our friend Mark also still has his Norse Gods project running! And this one is also well worth checking out. He had great success with issue 1, and issue 2 looks like it's going well as well. 


Odin embarks on a journey full of adventures and romantic conquests and tries to win for himself and mankind the gift of poetry.

Anyway, thanks again all! More updates soon!

Until then... stay awesome!!

We Did It!!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 09:12:06 PM


The dust has settled, and we had to wait a few hours to believe our eyes. 

This has been an awesome campaign! We came in just shy of 500 backers, which blows all our previous campaigns out of the water! We unlocked 15 stretch goals! 

And that's all thanks to you!

So... what's next??

Well, I'm sure you know that Kickstarter is going to start charging you (and probably already has). If something goes wrong with the payment, you'll have a week to fix it, otherwise you'll miss out on all the great stuff you pledged for!

This time next week, we plan on sending out the digital rewards, so you'll get to see the comic then! At that same time we will send our files over to the printer (Comic Impressions), and they will begin the process of proofing and checking them out. 

2 weeks from today we will begin sending out our surveys through Backerkit. Those surveys will be open for 2 weeks, when we will be finalizing our order. As soon as that happens, the books will be printed and they will ship out to you direct from the printer! So, if all goes well, you'll get everything by the end of April. 

The book is complete. So, there will be no delay in waiting for pages for this project. Once everything is in order, everything is coming out to you!

2 months from now... sometime in May, we plan on launching issue 2!!

That's it from me for now! 

Thank you all again!! 

Until next time... stay awesome!!!

2 New Holofoil Covers - and about 24 Hours left!!!
about 3 years ago – Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 06:11:19 PM

We did it!!! We've unlocked the 2 new holofoil covers. These ones featuring Joe Pekar's awesome artwork! Take an up-close look!

These covers are going to be the same deal as the last holofoils. We will only be printing what is pledged for. So, if we end up with 10 covers, there will only be 10 covers! And as of right now, there's only 24 hours to get them!!! These will not be available after our campaign, and you won't be able to get them anywhere else. 

That being said, this will only be available as an add-on. 

Also... don't forget. We also have these other great add-ons as well, that are still available until the campaign ends.

We also don't have a graphic for it... but we have also added a GET IT ALL pledge level to get every cover we are offering... that's over 20 comics in that pledge level!

You guys have been awesome so far... and you have far exceeded our expectations. So, we want to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. Very sincerely... thank you.

Only about 24 hours left!!! Let's race to the finish line!!!

Until next update... stay awesome!!